Shelley Watters, DNP, RN

30-year nursing veteran. Passionate leader.
Areas of Focus
- Nursing
Fostering Professional Development, Nursing Research and promoting Evidence-Based Practice in nursing is a passion. I have had the success of implementing a Shared Leadership model to further impact nursing leadership at the bedside Employee engagement, in particular nurse engagement has been an area of interest and I have written successful grants to support my work in this area. My goal is to sustain and widen the perception of nurses at the bedside in delivering safe and quality care. I currently practice as the Sr. Director of Cultural Excellence at 2 Academic Medical Centers.
- Carlow College-Sister Mary Ann Dougherty award for Nursing Excellence
- Carlow College-Sister Mary Ann Dougherty award for Nursing Excellence
- 2019 Carlow Laureate Award
- UPMC Presbyterian/Shadyside 2005-Present Sr Director-Organizational & Cultural Excellence
- UPMC International Division Consultant –Nursing Practice- Kazakhstan 2012-Present
- Chatham University -Adjunct Faculty
- South University-Adjunct Faculty
- UPMC Health Plan 2002-2005-Medicare Clinical Coordinator
- Pittsburgh Mercy Health System 2001-2002-Unit Director Behavioral Health
- Magellan Behavioral Health 1996-2001-Nurse Care Manager
- Health America Managed Care-1991-1996-Behavioral Health Nurse Specialist
- St Francis Hospital- 1987-1991-Staff Nurse
- ANCC Certification-Nurse Executive-NE-BC
- Sigma Theta Tau International-Officer
- SWPONL Board Member
- Graduated Summa cum laude
- Member of American Psychiatric Nurses Association
- Carlow College Award for Nursing Excellence, Professional Nursing
- “Starting Strong” Internship-Decrease Infant Mortality Pgh Pa
- ANA and PSNA-Member
- Member PSNA Editorial Review Board
- Reviewer, Peer Reviewed Journal-Continuing Education for Nurses
- University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Nursing Advisory Board
Nursing advice for Success
The best advice I must give is to always take the high road and manage relationships. For as big as the nursing community is, we are a connected community and you never know who you will be working for/with next! It is important to evaluate current nursing practice and trends, and be a lifelong learner. I grew up outdoors-swimming (lifeguarding) in the summers and skiing (ski instructor) in the winters. I love the outdoors and in my free time love to take my dogs for walks. I use exercise for my “Peace of Mind” time-and I believe it is very important for nurses to practice healthy habits. If we don’t take care of ourselves, how can we care for others.